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Fursuit Etiquette


Please do not scritch Fursuiters, without asking first, their fur won’t grow back!


Do not hug or touch Fursuiters with messy hands/paws, their suit is expensive!

Please don't pull on their tails, it's rude!

CONSENT: Ask before hugging, stroking, or even touching a Fursuiter. There is a PERSON in there!

DON'T go around saying things like "The fandom's not bad, we don't do....." because the FIRST thing you're going to do is give people a bad image.


NEVER agree to hold a baby whilst in your Fursuit, or any living creature, for that matter.

WASH! Nobody likes "that guy" at conventions. 1 bath or shower a day, ESPECIALLY if you've suited.

Be sure to know whether the person WANTS a hug or not. Do NOT just walk over to someone and shove your paws in their face unless you KNOW they are okay with it. Non suiters need just as much respect and personal space as suiters do!

DON'T go around saying things like "The fandom's not bad, we don't do....." because the FIRST thing you're going to do is give people a bad image.

Fursuit interaction Tips

(Art by)

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